Ohio grower will stick with 50/50 rotation after challenging season
Northwest Ohio Farmer Patty Mann says she will return to a 50/50 corn and soybean rotation after the challenging season last year.
“We had a lot of prevent plant last year and only got half of our intended corn acres planted,” she says. “But, it’s a new year, a new decade, we’re eternal optimists and we’ll go back to the rotation and hopefully the weather is a little more friendly and we’ll stick to the plan.”
Mann grows corn and soybeans in Shelby County and is currently serving as president of the Ohio Corn and Wheat Growers Association.
She says this winter had been mild with some rainfall and snowfall and they’re in a good position for this time of year.
“Hopefully we’ll get some warmer weather in March and be able to get some early work done and get started again in April,” she says.
Brownfield interviewed Mann during the 2020 Commodity Classic in San Antonio.
Audio: Patty Mann
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