AFBF continues to provide resources to address mental health
American Farm Bureau Director of Congressional Relations R.J. Karney says removing the stigma surrounding mental health remains a top priority.
“If you break your arm, if you break your leg there’s no concerns or questions you can go to the hospital and get that physical ailment fixed, however there’s still a stigma about being able to address needs that you can’t see,” he says.
Karney says AFBF wants to provide resources to help farmers and ranchers during this time of uncertainty.
“We need to be able to stay in our lane- we are not mental health professionals and we are not clinicians who can deal with mental health, what we can do is provide education and resources to farmers and ranchers to be able to remove that stigma and have a conversation to discuss a farmer’s mental health,” he says.
AFBF says the Rural Resilience Training Program, available at no cost for members and staff, can help neighbors through the uncertainty that has come with the coronavirus pandemic. Developed by Michigan State University Extension in partnership with AFBF, National Farmers Union, and Farm Credit, the program is aimed at individuals who interact with farmers and rancher to help them recognize signs of stress and provide resources.
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