Spring burndown recommendations


Spring burndown recommendations

Mark Glady speaking at a WinField United field day

A Minnesota agronomist has some recommendations for farmers planning a spring burndown herbicide application.

Mark Glady with WinField United says the timing should depend on what growth stage weeds are at.

“That’s kind of a cop-out, but when we start getting green-up on some of these winter annuals or perennial weeds, when they start to green up and put a little growth on, that’s when we want to get them controlled.”

For a weed like marestail, he tells Brownfield control becomes much more difficult once it reaches three to four inches tall.

“So rosette stage is ideal. When they’re less than two inches tall is the optimum timing.”

Glady expects most burndown programs to include a glyphosate product along with a Group Four growth regulator like dicamba or 2,4-D.

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