USDA to allow dumped milk coverage under LGM-Dairy and DRP programs


USDA to allow dumped milk coverage under LGM-Dairy and DRP programs

Dairy producers forced to dump milk will be able to count that volume towards USDA’s key risk management programs.  USDA announced the dumped milk will be counted as milk marketings for the Dairy Revenue Protection program or as actual marketings under the Livestock Gross Margin or LGM-Dairy Program.

Risk Management Agency Administrator Martin Barbre says the agency is ensuring that milk producers are not inappropriately penalized if their milk must be dumped because of recent market disruptions. 

Producers will still have to provide supporting documentation from the cooperative or milk handler verifying actual pounds of milk dumped. 

Wisconsin Farm Bureau President told Brownfield producers should not only weigh all milk to be dumped but keep track of all unusual farm expenses related to the COVID-19 crisis because those costs might become eligible for assistance later.

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