Still time to comment on dietary guidelines


Still time to comment on dietary guidelines

Less than 10 days remain for the public to comment on the proposed 2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans.

When it comes to dairy recommendations, some groups want the guidelines to go beyond recognizing the benefits of dairy products.

The American Dairy Coalition says the guidelines need to go further by allowing whole milk in schools.  They say the committee ignored a massive body of recent science-based research which shows caps on saturated fats are not supported by science as well as a congressionally mandated report which found part of the review process to be unsystematic and unreliable.

Jim Mulhern, head of the National Milk Producers Federation, tells Brownfield the committee found almost 90 percent of Americans don’t consume enough dairy which elevates its importance, but they fell short when it came to milk fat, only making recommendations to investigate additional research in the next set of guidelines.

“We wish they had been a little bolder when it comes to their review of the scientific research on saturated fat and milkfat in particular.”

Both groups have a call to action for members to submit comments, which closes August 13.

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