Northeast Nebraska farmer hopes for August rains


Northeast Nebraska farmer hopes for August rains

A northeast Nebraska farmer says his non-irrigated corn and soybean yields will depend on what he receives for rain the rest of the growing season.

Larry Mussack, who farms near Decatur, Nebraska, says he received less than an inch of rain in July.

“The corn that I’ve looked at—I’ve pulled back some husks—seems to be fairly well-pollinated, in most cases,” Mussack says. “But getting that ear to fill will be dependent upon rain from here forward.”

Mussack says his soybeans look good—for now.

“Lots of blooms and lots of small pods starting. But again, that yield and how well the pods fill is going to depend on the amount of moisture we get here in August, and maybe the first part of September.”

Mussack says his irrigated crops are performing well.

AUDIO: Larry Mussack

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