USDA ag indices decline in January – Voice Of Muscatine
The USDA ag prices indices dipped to start 2024. The index of prices received for January was 1.4% lower than in December on declines for [Read More]
The USDA ag prices indices dipped to start 2024. The index of prices received for January was 1.4% lower than in December on declines for [Read More]
The Michigan FFA Association is seeing the benefits of increased emphasis on career and technical training pathways. “We’re definitely growing—the number of chapters and number [Read More]
A combustible situation in the Middle East could ignite fertilizer prices. StoneX vice president of fertilizer Josh Linville says following a missile attack on a [Read More]
Cover crop usage in the state of Illinois is up. The 2022 Census of Agriculture shows Illinois farmers have planted more than 880,000 acres of [Read More]
The USDA says the week ending February 22nd was another mixed week for U.S. export sales. Business continues to show the impact on trade from [Read More]
Last year the U.S. Department of Labor instituted several rule changes to the H-2A visa program, and those changes are impacting farmers. Illinois Farm Bureau [Read More]
Across the Corn Belt, cool, dry weather prevails. Thursday morning’s minimum temperatures dipped below 10°F in the upper Great Lakes region, with scattered sub-zero readings. [Read More]
Farmers attending Commodity Classic are concerned about tighter margins in 2024. Ryan Mackenthun grows corn and soybeans in central Minnesota and says crop budgets look [Read More]
Unseasonably warm temperatures have led to a “green up” of pastures. University of Illinois Extension beef specialist, Travis Meteer says producers may want to turn [Read More]
A beef specialist says cattle producers need to closely monitor cattle with this week’s wide swings in temperatures. Travis Meteer tells Brownfield… “Making sure that [Read More]
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On January 10, 2025, Jeffrey T. Testa, Trustee of JAM Media Solutions, LLC,
licensee of KWPC(AM), 860 kHz, Muscatine, Iowa, filed an application with the Federal
Communications Commission for assignment of the station’s broadcast license to VMPP,
LLC. Members of the public wishing to view this application or obtain information about
how to file comments and petitions on the application can visit
this link.
This page was last updated on January 20, 2025.
On January 10, 2025, Jeffrey T. Testa, Trustee of JAM Media Solutions, LLC,
licensee of K236CF, 95.1MHz, Muscatine, Iowa, filed an application with the Federal
Communications Commission for assignment of the station’s broadcast license to VMPP,
LLC. Members of the public wishing to view this application or obtain information about
how to file comments and petitions on the application can visit
this link.
This page was last updated on January 20, 2025.