The Muscatine City Council will hold a public hearing for the proposed Fiscal Year 2025 property tax levy during a special meeting scheduled for 5:30 p.m. Thursday, April 4, in the Council Chambers on the second floor of Muscatine City Hall, 215 Sycamore Street.
The regular City Council meeting will follow at 6 p.m. featuring the reading of proclamations declaring April 4 as Junior Achievement Day, April 26 as Arbor Day in Muscatine, and the designation of May 5-11, 2024, as Drinking Water Week.
The property tax levy hearing is a step in the budget process to further notify the public about property tax changes. At the public hearing, any resident or taxpayer may present objections to, or arguments in favor of, the proposed tax levy. View the FY25 Proposed Property Tax Levy Hearing Notice (PDF)
The notice for the hearing contains three columns of information:
- The first column shows the property tax dollars and rates for the current fiscal year.
- The second column carries those same property tax dollars forward to Fiscal Year 2025 and calculates the tax rate that would produce.
- The third column shows the property tax dollars and rate proposed for Fiscal Year 2025, including a calculation of the percentage change.
(Click here to see earlier story on Transparency of Iowa Taxpayer Statements)
After adoption of the proposed property tax levy, the Council will publish notice and hold a hearing on the proposed city budget.
The property tax levy rate proposed by the City Council is $15.67219 per $1,000 of taxable valuation for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2024. Muscatine’s property tax levy rate is established by the City, with limitations put into place by the Iowa Legislature.
Two contracts for construction work are set to be approved during the regular Council meeting Thursday including the Clark House Elevator Modernization Project and the Lift Station HVAC Project. City Council will also be asked to set public hearings on April 18 for the Fulliam Avenue Reconstruction Project Phase II, the Weed Park Lagoon Project, on the proposed Amendment #1 to the Fiscal Year 2023-2024 budget, and on the proposed Fiscal Year 2024-2025 budget.
The City Council will also be asked to:
- Approve the bargaining agreement between the City of Muscatine and the Muscatine Association of Firefighters Local #608;
- Approve a contract with Notch Above for tree removal services and a contract with Kellor & Kellor Landscape, Inc., for nuisance, mowing and vegetation, and snow and ice removal services; and,
- Approve the submittal of a Catalyst Grant Application to the Iowa Economic Development Authority for the rehabilitation of 113 Iowa Avenue.
The Council meeting begins at 6 p.m. and the public is welcomed, and encouraged, to attend the session in person and participate in the public hearings or to speak during Communications from Citizens on topics that are not on the meeting agenda.
Muscatine City Council meetings are open to all individuals regardless of language spoken or disability. Any person requiring a reasonable accommodation to participate should contact the City Clerk’s office at 563-264-1500. To view City Council agendas and minutes, visit Agenda & Minutes.
Several options are available for those who cannot attend in person but would like to watch the proceedings. The City Council meeting will be broadcast live on the City of Muscatine YouTube channel and on Civic-TV (Muscatine Power & Water Cable Channel 2). A virtual option is also available for those who want to watch the proceedings on their desktop, laptop, tablet, or smartphone. Information on joining the virtual session is listed below.
Information on the other agenda items can be found by clicking AGENDA to view the agenda and/or attachments, or to download a PDF version of the City Council agenda.
Muscatine City Council Meeting | Thursday, April 4, 2024
6:00 PM – 8:00 PM (CDT)
Join the virtual Zoom meeting from your computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone by clicking the following link: Muscatine City Council Meeting.
Meeting ID: 825 5169 1259
Passcode: 927879
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