City receives lead hazard reduction grant – Voice Of Muscatine

(City of Muscatine)
The City of Muscatine has announced that they have received a lead hazard reduction grant and are actively searching for homeowners/renters eligible for home renovations and improvements.

If you are a homeowner and/or renter within the City and are interested in finding out if you are eligible for $20,000 in home safety improvements, please call or text the word YES to 563-265-1243. Inquiries can also be submitted to

According to details provided on the City of Muscatine website, eligibility includes the following:

  • Live in or own a home  built before 1978 in Muscatine, Iowa. Rental and owner-occupied units are eligible to apply.
  • Have at least one child 5 years of age or younger in the home on average at least ten hours per week
  • Located in target area.
  • Have a household income at or below 80% of the Area Median Income for Muscatine County. For example, the maximum household income for a family of four is $69,700. For specific income limit information, please call or text 563-265-1243.

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