2019 corn could impact 2020 plantings in Upper Midwest


2019 corn could impact 2020 plantings in Upper Midwest

Acreage questions are sure to persist long after the USDA releases it’s 2020 Prospective Planting projections tomorrow.

In North Dakota, Peterson Farms Seed president Carl Peterson says about half the corn crop went unharvested in the fall because of wet conditions.

“Depending on the spring, that could make no difference or a huge difference. If we get wet weather this spring, guys can’t get that (corn) out. With all those corn stalks out there, that ground stays wet. A good portion of that land could end up being Prevent Plant.”

But he’s hopeful there will be enough time to harvest the remaining corn and get the 2020 crop planted.

“If we get good conditions, and ya now farmers want to plant. So I think we’ll see slightly more corn acres (and) more soybean acres than we saw a year ago. But maybe not as many as we had two years ago.”

Most analysts expect this year’s corn acreage to be just over 94 million acres, with soybeans near 85 million.

The USDA Prospective Plantings report is out at 11 o’clock central tomorrow morning.

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