March poultry production up 12% from last year
The USDA says poultry production during March was up 12% on the year at 4.419 billion pounds. Most of that was chicken, 3.9 billion pounds, an increase of 13%, with turkey at 507.029 million pounds, 6% higher than in March 2019. The chicken and turkey slaughter rates were both up on the year, 11% for chickens and 8% for turkeys, while average weights for all chickens were 2% higher and turkeys were 1% lower.
Ante-mortem condemnations were 12.215 million pounds, 3% below a year ago and 0.21% of the total live weight, and post-mortem condemnations were 32.864 million pounds, down 5% on the year and 0.74 of monthly production.
The USDA says chicken in cold storage at the end of March was a new monthly record, but turkey stocks were down, leaving total poultry below year ago levels.
The next set of supply and demand estimates is out May 12th.
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