Farmer holds off on planting, completes fieldwork
Central Indiana Farmer Mike Beard says he’s held off on planting because of cool temperatures.
“If it hadn’t been for that temperature forecast I would have been out in the fields, but I don’t like to replant and if you go in and plant in between because you didn’t get quite the stand you wanted, you don’t necessarily gain yield,” he says. “I felt like we had plenty of other stuff to do so we did.”
He tells Brownfield they’ve completed a lot of fieldwork and are ready to begin planting when the conditions are right.
“We’ve applied herbicide and anhydrous and we’ve spent a good deal of time putting liquid manure on,” he says. “We’re ready when we think the ground is fit and we’re doing some soil temperature testing.”
Beard, president of the Indiana Corn Growers Association, grows corn and soybeans in Clinton County.
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